Welcome to the SuperFrens World!... a magical land filled with a variety of one of a kind SuperFrens, each with their own unique powers and abilities!... The SuperFrens World is Portal 3 of the Sky Portal Lounge, from which the MetaMuffins are running their muffin scouting missions.
SuperFrens are Categorized by 3 Main Traits...
Ability - Super Strength, AI Multi-Tech, Geokinesis, Necromancy, Super Speed, Teleportation, Invisibility, Pyrokinesis, X-ray Vision, Accelerated Healing, Clairvoyance, Laser Eyes, Matter Transmutation, Telekinesis, and Telepathy are just some of the many super abilities possessed by the SuperFrens.
Type - Elementals, Beasts, Assassins, Supernaturals, Cyborgs, and Punks are some of the various types of SuperFrens.
Vibe - Fierce, Stoic, Calm, Assertive, Cheerful, Courageous, Sinister, Aggressive, Loving, and Mystical are some of the different vibes possessed by SuperFrens.
Portal 3 Status:
:: Active Scouting Mission ::
Mission Objective - Recruit a new Muffin Mob squad member from the SuperFrens World.
Now Recruiting MetaMuffins - The Shuk-balas are currently seeking the following muffin types for the scouting mission at Portal 3...
- Any SuperMuffins in the MetaMuffins Genesis collection that are wearing a helmet of any kind will receive 1 free SuperFren airdrop from the SuperFrens World collection, while a mission at that portal is active.
- All other SuperFrens World NFTs that are not being airdropped will be listed on OpenSea within the SuperFrens World Collection at the price of .04 ETH. There will be periodic drops of new SuperFrens that will be added to the Superfrens World collection, until it reaches a cap of 200 items.