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Cosmic Cupcakes & Little Green Men

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

(Official Lore of the MetaMuffins)

- A Shoonya Art Production -


Note: All artwork from the story will be made into 1 of 1, high res. NFT art pieces within the 'Cosmic Cupcakes & Little Green Men' Collection on OpenSea.

- As the story rolls out it will also be made available here, as an AUDIO BOOK.


Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6



The MetaMuffins Have Landed!...

We find ourselves in the Lantrusian Galaxy, dwelling amongst it’s billion’s of planets and stars, on a little, sparkling blue green planet, named Torgon… the year is 2304. On Planet Torgon, something very strange has happened, which has brought both curiosity and a fair amount of trepidation to the Torgonian populace. On a clear summer day, as hundreds of Torgonians were going about their daily routines, a large portal was seen temporarily opening up in the sky above them, what many are now calling 'The Big Oven in the Sky'. From it a steady stream of large and curious muffin-beings were witnessed raining down from the sky. When all was said and done, a total of 2,222 massive muffins had emerged, before the portal closed itself back up and then mysteriously vanished. These muffins are now being referred to by the Torgonian populace as 'MetaMuffins' (muffins from the beyond). These miraculous muffins have been observed to include a wide variety of different personalities, and toppings. They all appear to be freshly baked (some maybe a bit more baked than others) and eager to explore this new land they have found themselves in!


Chapter 1

Planet Torgon

Torgon is the 5th planet of 12, in its solar system. It was first colonized by earth humans in 2235, and is the 47th planet of 385 known planets, so far to be colonized either directly by earth humans, or by the descendants of earth humans. In the early 2200’s, humans on earth became capable of traveling vast distances through space, in a fraction of the time previously needed. This was due to advances and breakthroughs in gravitational propulsion systems, and time-space warping technology. These advances came about in large part, due to the accumulated knowledge and insights drawn from decades of tests and research surrounding 2 separate, though nearly identical alien crafts found on earth. One craft was found in the year 2147 on Unimak Island in Alaska, and the other in 2173, in the north-central region of Tanzania. Researchers still do not know why the crafts were left there, and why in such pristine condition.

Scientists through extensive research and tests, found that the crafts were built using advanced metallurgy techniques, using previously unknown metals, capable of withstanding, and harnessing massive gravitational and reverse gravitational forces. At the center of each craft was a powerful gravitational motor that hooked up with the passenger’s electro-magnetic energy system, utilizing an electro-magnetic body mold built into the drivers seat and arm rests. The craft, through this advanced electro-magnetic feedback system, was able to register the driver’s subtle thoughts and intentions for operating the craft, and was then capable of generating massive gravitational and reverse gravitational forces to propel, stop, and direct the craft, through the drivers intent alone. These forces when applied and directed with great precision and accuracy, then enabled the craft to essentially bend and fold the time-space continuum. In so doing, the time-space warping vessels were able to in a sense surf on these gravitational waves, to their specified destination. The crafts were also outfitted with advanced AI systems for navigation, communication, entertainment, and so on.

The first successfully replicated craft, fitted for a human driver, was built in 2205. Much trial and error was needed in the early stages of learning how to use this technology more skillfully. Passing too closely to massive black holes, supernovas, or planets with hostile, space faring inhabitants, were some of the main threats encountered.

Over the years this technology continued to advance and become even more precise, and our knowledge and mapping of the more distant reaches of the universe also continued to increase exponentially. The quality of space travel up to the present year of 2304 has therefore improved significantly, compared to a few hundred years earlier. For instance, travel to a distant galaxy that was once over 5.5 million light years away, like the Lantrusian Galaxy of planet Torgon, now in the present day only takes a tiny fraction of the time to travel to. Travel to Torgon from Earth, prior to the initial breakthroughs, would have taken at least 6 million light years, and now takes just a few days, in a comfortable, and sometimes even luxury, 3D nano-printed, time-space warping vessel. Among all of the hundreds of planets that earth humans have colonized in some form or fashion, Torgon remains to be one of the favorites.

For those traveling to the Lantrusian Galaxy to visit Planet Torgon, a little extra travel time must still be factored in, due to needing to pass through the Torgon planetary checkpoint. For planetary security, many planets now utilize an Exsenso-sphere technology which creates a massive energetic ‘smart sphere’ that surrounds the respective planet’s atmosphere. This acts as a sort of gravitational radar to detect anything trying to pass through it’s field, recording any disturbances in the time-space gravity field. This security field also has advanced tech-scrambling capabilities for any gravity propelled crafts, so that the craft’s ability to warp time and space becomes temporarily disabled, which is usually long enough for planetary border patrol to apprehend the trespassing vessel.

- One of the Galactic Transport stations, above planet Torgon


Torgon is an especially popular destination for humans, as it shares an atmosphere and climate range similar to earth. Traditionally referred to as a ‘goldilocks planet’, Torgon resides at an optimal distance from its sun, and also has ample water, oxygen, and a variety of plants, animals, and habitats, which allows humans to not only survive, but to thrive. The humans that live on Torgon are usually referred to as ‘Torgonian Humans’, to distinguish them from humans living on other planets, and in other galaxies. Living along-side these Torgonian Humans, are various beings, both native to Torgon, and also various immigrants from other planets, solar systems, and galaxies, who are either visiting, or who have chosen to make Torgon their new home planet.

Torgonian's have historically been known to be a very tolerant and accepting planetary community, in regard to their attitude toward extra-terrestrials visiting from other planets and galaxies. This accepting attitude usually remains as long as the visitors are not coming with any intent to harm the planet and its inhabitants. Initially in 2235 when the first humans arrived on Torgon, the native inhabitants were somewhat weary of the new arrivals, though over time humans came to be more widely accepted, and are now one of the more populous species on the planet. Torgon is quite diverse in regard to the number of different alien species that live there and who have immigrated from other planets, which is in large part because of the planetary community’s fairly open and accepting attitude. Each alien species brings its own ways and cultures, mixing into the greater Torgonian hodge-podge. The dwellings, music, art and stories vary widely, with songs and tales of adventures found throughout the galaxy… and for some even further beyond.

- An example of a Peeper People dwelling, one of the native tribes on Torgon


The most common languages on Torgon are the native Torgonian dialect, Mubbel-wup, as well as English, Mandarin, and Spleez-nooc, though beyond that there are several thousand other alien dialects that are spoken throughout the planet, due to the high level of extra-terrestrial immigrants on Torgon. All Torgonians, and visitors of Torgon, especially those who are attending school, or wanting to join the Torgonian workforce in some way, are required to either have voice translation software within their neural-tech database, or if not using neural-tech, must wear a standard voice translation device while in public. The translation device is a tiny voice-box that is worn within the ear, and works with over 300,000 different alien dialects. After the listener’s base language has been pre-specified, and the new language being heard is detected by the device, it automatically changes the words and vibrations being heard by the listener, into the listeners own spoken language. For some alien races on Torgon the voice box is unnecessary, as some have the ability to communicate telepathically, and therefore bypass the need. For about 1/4 of the population on Torgon the voice-box is unnecessary as well, as some are already using some sort of a neural-tech device, with voice translation being a standard app. in the database.

Neural-tech devices are utilized not only by many humans, though also by some animals, and various other alien species on Torgon. The device, which is small and disk shaped, and about the size of a thumbtack, is inserted just under the skin, near where the brain stem connects into the base of the skull, or skulls, for those with multiple heads. The actual installation procedure takes just a few minutes, minus the time for the initial brain scans and imaging.

In early versions of this technology they would drill a hole in the skull, seal it with the neural-tech chip, and from there insert fine wire threads into the brain, though in the current version nothing is done to the skull or inserted into the brain. Each device is instead matched up within both a digital, and electro-magnetic energy grid which is intricately mapped with the user’s physical brain. By using a digital map and scan, the device connects into the brain electro-magnetically, using hundreds of thousands of super precise, neural information links which are matched to the neural synapses in the brain. You can think of it as a 3D brain scan, that holographically maps your entire brain’s neural circuitry, seamlessly linking the communication highway between organic life, like humans, and AI.

Base versions of this initial technology were first being developed around the year 2000 on earth, where it was being used to help treat various disabilities like strokes, head injuries, and so on. Some view the technology as a valuable commodity, as having the neural-tech procedure done allows the user to link up more fully with the larger AI database, allowing for powerful processing and comprehension abilities, and to more seamlessly interface with various AI systems throughout the planet. Even with these benefits though, there are still some who prefer to instead have a greater degree of separation from the continual technological bombardment, that neural-tech can sometimes present.

- Chameleon with neural-tech, meditating in the Torgonian landscape


With the exception of the Ash Ole Bird, which is a very loud and obnoxious bird populating certain parts of the planet, Torgon has been a relatively peaceful and harmonious place for those living there, for most of its known history. In the last hundred years though, this has changed, as marauding space pirates have begun to ransack Torgon for its valuable energy-mineral resources. These space pirates have most often come in the form of mechs, battle droids, and harvester droids. They are drawn to Torgon specifically, for on the planet is found a rare energy-mineral called Torganite Ipsillium.

Ipsillium is highly valued, and so far, at least by Torgonians, is known to only exist on Torgon, and a handful of other life supporting planets. Its great value is due to its stable yet adaptable energetic structure, being able to transform between electric, gaseous, and solid states, depending on the other synergistic minerals it is combined with. It also has no known toxic properties or emissions when used as an energy source, as compared to other energy sources commonly utilized on other planets. This energy mineral travels beneath the surface of the ground in vast energetic webs, networks, and springs throughout the majority of the planet. It is most highly concentrated in a specific area of Torgon, called the ‘Ipsillium Energy Fields’. Due to the high concentration of Ipsillium in this area, a vast array of radiant and energy-infused plants, trees, springs, and wildlife exist there.

- Fred Frio meditating in the Ipsillium Energy Fields region of Planet Torgon


Directly in and surrounding the energy fields region one can find an abundance of rolling hills, streams, scattered trees, and various kinds of wildlife. Many Torgonians enjoy hiking and camping in these areas, or like to visit just to find a peaceful spot to relax and enjoy the surroundings. Visitors to this area can usually expect to find and observe many bizarre and unique plants and creatures during their stay. One such creature is the 3 Headed Silky Scrombat.

The 3 Headed Silky Scrombat is in some ways similar in function to a mushroom, in that it draws its life energy up through an intricate web of Ipsillium mycelial channels that it is connected to, passing throughout the ground beneath it. These underground Ipsillium channels also create an underground information link with other Silky Scrombats in the area, communicating nearby threats, sharing nutrients, and so on. Their bodily energy channels are often seen to be illuminated throughout their torso region, as the Ipsillium energy pulses through them. The Silky Scrombats have also been known to possess both telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

- The 3 Headed Silky Scrombat

The plant life in the area, also has found ways to tap into the abundant Ipsillium energy. One such plant species in the area is called the Icy-Yew Flower, which has a central eye in its bloom, and Ipsillium energy orbital receivers as its petals. It survives by using its petals as receivers to draw in the trace amounts of Ipsillium from the atmosphere surrounding it, as well as drawing it up with its roots from the ground below.

- The Icy-Yew Flower


A more fearsome inhabitant of the region, and seldomly seen, is the Carnivorous Cub Tail. The Cub Tail is a predatory creature that has evolved to prey on some of the native inhabitants in the area, in particular the Fuzz Wuppins. Fuzz Wuppins are small, furry beings looking similar to a small bear cub, or teddy bear. These forest inhabitants are fond of foraging for wild mushrooms, which are usually found in the more forested areas and ecosystems of the Torgonian landscape. The Carnivorous Cub Tails are aware of this and therefore will try to camouflage themselves within the forest landscape, with only the end of their tail remaining the most visible, which also happens to closely resemble a Fuzz Wuppin. These fearsome creatures usually venture to the edges of the forest to hunt only after it has started getting dark out, so that their camouflage and stealth capabilities are heightened that much more. Once in position, the Cub Tail gently waves and wiggles its tail in a way imitating a foraging Fuzz Wuppin. Seeing this, a true Fuzz Wuppin may then approach thinking it to be perhaps one of their own, or someone from a neighboring tribe. By the time it realizes it has been duped, it’s usually too late, and the Cub Tail goes in for the kill.

- A Carnivorous Cub Tail, luring in a curious Fuzz Wuppin

Another lesser seen creature living in this region, is the Ipsillium Satchel Snake. This creature can grow to a length of around 30 feet long, and lives primarily under ground. There it stores up Ipsillium energy in small sack-like appendages running along the length of it’s snake-like body. These sacks inflate and glow a radiant bluish color when they are filled with Ipsillium, and when empty they then deflate and retract, and also lose their bluish hue. The Satchel Snake is mostly harmless and is seen above ground only in rare instances during the Satchel Snake mating season, when it leaves its burrow in search of a mate.


Deeper within the Ipsillium forests there are also known to be giant Forest Oracles. Torgonian folklore commonly speaks of there being at least 5 different known Oracles, existing within the vast reaches of the forests on Torgon, with some thought to be over 3 thousand years old. For those who speak of encountering an Oracle, each encounter seems to be somewhat unique, though also sharing some commonalities. The Oracles are commonly said to be giants that are over 15x larger than a human, each with a large and youthful looking humanoid head and arms, a snake-like body, and flames of energy for hair.

Forest Oracles are said to be very peaceful creatures, yet also with great power. Being in the immediate presence of a Forest Oracle is by some said to feel like being held in a powerful, yet nurturing blanket of energy. The immediate surroundings of the Oracle, and those in said surroundings, seem to somehow become energetically enlivened, often awakening an individual’s deeper inner faculties and insights. Sometimes the energetic shift passes shortly after the encounter, though for some the shift carries on more steadily and deeply into their lives. Beings seek out the Oracles for a variety of reasons and intentions, though only to those who are most pure of heart and sincere do the Oracles usually choose to reveal themselves.

- A Torgonian human making an offering to a Forest Oracle


Chapter 2

The Great Divide

The whole of the Torgonian landscape, especially in the energy-fields and forest regions, is dense with Ipsillium. All of the native plant and animal life have evolved to live symbiotically with this energy-mineral, and in addition it is the primary source of energy for the larger cities on Torgon, like Tech-tropolis. It powers houses, buildings, street lights, hovercrafts, and so on. Torgonians recognize that Torganite Ipsillium is naturally occurring, though will only continue to replenish itself when a certain level of harmony and balance is maintained between all of the different plants, animal species, and planetary inhabitants. When this harmony is not respected, and the natural resources are taken greedily and in haste, this natural replenishment of resources decreases. Those living on Torgon therefore do their best to not take their precious resources for granted, and to have respect and gratitude for the living environment that helps to support and sustain them.

Unfortunately for the Torganians, there are less conscientious beings outside of Torgon, who would like to utilize this energy-mineral for their own purposes, and don’t mind harvesting and utilizing it in a more reckless way. The mechanized space robots, who have been raiding Torgon, were eventually determined to be originating from planet Vorax, in the Narubian Galaxy.

Vorax is a planet that is sometimes referred to as a ‘grey giant’, with a toxic atmosphere, and dwindling natural resources. The sole alien race living there, the Voraxians, are in many ways quite technologically advanced, though in favor of ‘technological advancement’ at all costs, they squandered their planet’s natural resources to continue to build and fuel their growing fleet of machines, droids, and planetary infrastructure. Now because of this, they have resorted to raiding distant galaxies containing the planets in possession of the specific energy-minerals they need. This then allows them to continue to feed their machines, and to also feed their insatiable thirst for technological advancement, and increased dominance over other planetary civilizations. In the Voraxians ongoing quest for technological advancement, and dominance, they have simultaneously turned a blind eye to their ‘inner technology’ of spirit, and their deeper connection to life on their planet, as well as on planets elsewhere in the universe.

The Ipsillium that is found on Torgon is one of the essential ingredients needed by the Voraxians to power and build their fleet of robots and to continue expanding their technology, as Ipsillium was once present and utilized on Vorax as well. This was until all of the planet’s Ipsillium energy channels dried up, due to the continued destruction and neglect of the environment by the Voraxians.

The Voraxians in appearance are small humanoid beings, about 2/3 the size of a human, with no hair, a larger head and eyes, a small mouth, and a greenish grey skin tone. It is estimated that there are probably close to 500,000 Voraxians currently still living on planet Vorax.

- Voraxian in a mech-cruiser, on planet Vorax


The Voraxians are a telepathic alien race, and are distant relatives of the alien race that earth humans have commonly called the ‘Greys’. The Greys have been visiting earth for thousands of years in different manners. They have made repeated attempts to steer the society on earth in a more positive and peaceful direction. They have intervened on occasion to prevent the earth humans from destroying themselves and the planet through the irresponsible use of their emerging technologies, like nuclear weapons, and so on.

The Greys have seen firsthand what their distant relatives, the Voraxians, have done to seriously damage and deplete their own home planet. The Voraxians look very similar in appearance to the Greys, just having a slightly smaller head and brain. What differs more is their behavior, and what they hold to be of value within their culture and civilization.

The two alien races first split apart over 50,000 years prior to what is now the present day, in 2304. The Greys, who are both quite technologically and spiritually advanced, are a benevolent humanoid species, who call themselves Shuk-balas. Like their distant Voraxian relatives, the Shuk-balas communicate mostly telepathically. In addition to their peace keeping efforts with earth humans, they have also tried to gently steer other developing planetary communities who are in their technological adolescence, away from potentially harming themselves, their planet, and perhaps also eventually other planets.

One method the Shuk-balas have been recently deploying to scope out new planets, and further their peacekeeping efforts, is through the use their giant muffin scouts, what the Torgonians have been calling ‘MetaMuffins’ since their recent arrival on Torgon. A total of 2,222 of these muffin scouts have been created by the Shuk-balas through a combination of advanced technologies such meta-alchemy, brain and nervous system manufacturing, genetic and electrical engineering, robotics, chemistry, and so on. 30 different muffin scout types were created in total with a wide variety of different personalities and skill sets. At a height of around 10 - 12 feet tall, these muffin beings tower over the Shuk-balas, who are typically just 3 - 4 feet in height.

Shuk-balas are also commonly known to create, propagate, and partake in some very popular and powerful strands of extraterrestrial ganja, which most who have tried will tell you is truly out of this world. By infusing this galactic ganja into their muffin scouts through advanced alchemical processes, many of the MetaMuffins also tend to have a natural fondness for the herb. Even with this there is quite a variety of temperaments and interests within the MetaMuffin community. The Shuk-balas always treat their muffin scout creations with respect just as a loving parent would treat their child, and in return the MetaMuffins love them back and happily support them in their planetarian peacekeeping efforts.


The Shuk-balas live on a few different planets, in their long time home galaxy of the Milky Way, whereas the Voraxians, after splitting from the original Shuk-balas in the Milky Way, primarily settled on planet Vorax, in the Narubian Galaxy. After splitting off, over time the Voraxians lost touch with many of the ways of their ancestors, and went off on their own unique trajectory.

Many Voraxians living on planet Vorax have over the years chosen to relocate to various other planets, the move often spurred on by the poor living conditions. The majority of all life forms that were once living on their planet have been wiped-out, due to the Voraxians reckless and uncaring choices. One could say they are highly developed and intelligent in some ways, though also quite underdeveloped in other ways. They have excelled in technological, architectural, and militaristic advancement, though do not seem to care much for their organic bodies, or for the physical environment and atmosphere that their body was built from, and is sustained by. Therefore, they are usually seen to be somewhat frail and lifeless looking beings, with little empathy or concern for other life forms. Their cities and technological creations are often very elaborate and impressive in size and scale, though their planetary living environment is becoming increasingly toxic and unable to sustain life. To raid the various planets they visit, they usually send a couple giant harvester droids, flanked and surrounded by several armed battle droids. The battle droids clear the area of any resistance, which then allows the harvester droids to move in, latch onto the planet, and take the resources they came for, in function resembling a giant mosquito, landing, drilling into the ground, and then sucking up some of the planets vital energy-minerals.

The Voraxians are largely unconcerned about the consequences of raiding these distant planets, like Torgon, which is perhaps also reflected in the impersonal nature of their visits. They often control and direct their robots and drones remotely from a distant locale, like a neighboring planet, moon, or a Voraxian space cruiser, where they will hide out. Rarely do they directly interface with those they are raiding, and are therefore unable to see firsthand the direct and real damage that they are creating. Only in rare instances, have they been seen wearing mech-suits, while accompanying their robots on the raid. They and their robot henchman, because of this, are found to be rather brutish and uncaring to the local inhabitants, to put it mildly.

To combat this new threat on Torgon, a community of devoted protectors of the Ipsillium Energy Fields has arisen. Among these devoted protectors, is an elite squad of individuals, nicknamed The Ipsillium Squad, each with their own unique powers, skills, and abilities, which they utilize together to protect their planet’s valuable resources, and its inhabitants. There are currently 12 elite squad members, the low number due to the high level of physical, mental, and martial skill required for the task. Each squad member must pass through extensive training and stringent tests at the ‘Academy of Energy Arts and Resource Management’, which is located in the Ipsillium Energy Fields region of Torgon. Even though the Ipsillium Squad has become more well known on Torgon, and has even taken on a bit of a celebrity status at times, most of the members tend to keep to themselves, focusing more on their training and the larger task at hand.

- Margo Fuego, a member of the squad, training with an Ipsillium Orb


Chapter 3

Wormin’ Ain’t Easy

And so, this brings us to Norm Smortly. Norm is a 2nd year exchange student, studying accounting at the Torgon Multi-Galactic University (TMGU). He’s visiting from his home planet, Spleendak, which is found on the outer periphery of the Lantrusian Galaxy. He entered the university in large part due to the pressure of his parents Borg and Velma Smortly, both native Spleendakians who are of the Wog-Jop species. They are both in their 120’s, which is around middle age for a Wog-Jop, with some living to be close to 300 years old. Norm is currently 72, and recently completed his worm-like, pupal stage a few years back.

The Wog-Jop life cycle begins when a pregnant Wog-Jop lays her eggs, usually a cluster of 5 to 30 eggs. A female Wog-Jop lays between 2 - 4 of these clusters at different points throughout her life. She will usually deposit her eggs in a Wog-Jop nursery that has suitable video game entertainment, and also making sure it is kept stocked with plenty of food for her offspring to eat after they hatch. Within 5 - 10 days, the Wog-Jop larvae emerge from their eggs. Wog-Jop larvae look somewhat like a plump, and gelatinous seal, that spends it’s days lying around, only occasionally doing it’s trademark ‘Wog-Jop jello flop’ to get more food, or to use the bathroom. On the sides of their bulbous bodies they have 6 short nubs, which allows them only minimal physical dexterity.

In the larval stage, Wog-Jop worms are voracious eaters, and throughout this stage Wog-Jop worms will molt their skin several times, and over the course of their development will grow over 50x larger then when they first hatched. The first 70 or so years of a Wog-Jop’s life is spent in this worm-like larval state, mostly useless and just focused on feeding, sleeping, and playing video games. Remaining in the same nursery for 70 years may seem unbearable to some, though because of the Wog-Jop’s frequent use of virtual and augmented reality games and technology, they are able to easily forget about their surroundings, as they lose themselves in an endless variety of virtual worlds, games, and entertainment.

Norm currently has a total of 84 brothers and sisters, each at various stages in their development, and all with the same 2 parents. At Norm’s childhood home, there are 40+ rooms in the nursery. In each room there are usually 2 - 3 Wog-Jop worms, the pairing based primarily on individuals being of the same gender, and also from the same egg cluster. In Norm’s nursery he was paired off with one of his brother’s, Stanley Smortly, whom he still maintains a close bond with to this day, even though they are each now living on different planets.

Throughout their childhood in the nursery, Norm and Stanley would often times choose super athletic and muscular characters for their virtual avatars, possibly in an attempt to offset their gelatinous and mostly inert real life forms. In their room they had top of the line, voice controlled, AR and VR systems. In the augmented reality games and apps, they could do a variety of different things. One common activity was doing hologram chats with Wog-Jop worms in other rooms of the house, or chatting with other individuals who were online elsewhere. In their holographic projection they could assume their real life form, or could choose from a variety of other holographic avatars. With the AR system, Norm and Stanley would still be visually and sensorily aware of their real life physical surroundings, with the holographic projection being displayed in front of them. On this system they could play video games, watch movies, shows, music videos, and so on… all with high definition 3D graphics, and surround sound.

For the VR system they would wear a wireless goggle headset which would then bring them into a fully immersive 360 degree, audiovisual virtual environment. The system was voice controlled, and they sometimes would also use nub remotes, or wear a haptic suit and an omni-directional treadmill, for increased sensorial integration and feedback. The haptic suits they would use had sensitive and responsive wiring woven throughout that helped match up the virtual avatar’s movements with the subtle intentions and movements of the wearer. The intensity of energetic stimulation and feedback received from the suit could also be controlled, up to a certain extent. If someone was punching your virtual avatar in the stomach you could opt to have the suit feedback set at zero and feel nothing at all, or you could set it at higher levels that ideally would not harm the wearer of the suit, though still offer a good jolt. Norm’s parents through parental controls in the system, added certain restrictions, the haptic suit feedback levels being one of them.

It is generally not recommended, though some adults using the VR system opt for a more intense experience and therefore keep their feedback setting at a considerably higher level. This also applies to mixed martial art combatants, who will usually train and spar virtually with it at a lower level, though for official MMA VR matches, opponents are both required to set their haptic feedback to levels that could be potentially lethal to either person. There is a VR referee present that can step in at any time for safety, and each opponent also has the option to tap out, if they choose. For these MMA matches, each combatant must wear a specially designed MMA haptic suit, which is worn over their entire body, fitting almost like a Spiderman suit would, though with an advanced haptic feedback system, and VR googles. With each combatant being of different sizes and potentially of different alien descent, body shapes and structures can vary widely, therefore each suit must be specially designed for each individual. Norm and Stanley never participated in these matches themselves, though towards the later years of their larval development they began to have great interest, and would watch a lot of the top matches in the annual Grand Galactic MMA Tournament. This tournament features top fighters competing virtually from various different planets throughout the Lantrusian Galaxy, with only one individual at the end being crowned the Galactic Champion. In Norm and Stanley’s larval stage their immediate physical environment could be seen to be overcome with inertia, sloth, and redundancy, though in the virtual realm their lives were filled with numerous kinds of AR and VR adventures.

- Norm (in glasses), during his larval stage, with his brother Stanley


Following the 70 year larval stage of videos games, junk food, and so on, is the pupal stage, which usually lasts just a couple years. In this stage a Wog-Jop worm begins to weave itself a cocoon. This usually happens once it has become fully plump and ripe for transformation, due to the many years of storing up calories while lying around using AR and VR games and entertainment, eating sugar cereals, Spleendakian pizza, and so on.

Up to this point in an adolescent Wog-Jop’s life, it has been heavily dependent on it’s parents, and family for it’s survival. When the Wog-Jop worm is preparing to pupate and metamorphose into it’s adult form, it forms itself a gelatinous cocoon, attaching itself to a sofa, table, video game console, or other somewhat stable surface present in the nursery, with the cocoon then beginning to harden and crystallize shortly after. The pupa then remains there for the next couple years, attached to its respective surface, while in its protective casing.

During the pupal stage a Wog-Jop worm begins to radically transform it’s body. This remarkable transformation is directed by special cells called supra-blasts, which control a biochemical process through which the larval body is broken down and reformed into an adult Wog-Jop. Upon completion of the pupal transformation, the adult Wog-Jop will then begin to crack through and emerge from it’s protective casing. Adult Wog-Jops emerge having 4 arms and 4 legs, all fully formed and functional. Having just passed through this phase himself, and now in his new physical form, freshly equipped with fully functional arms and legs, Norm’s parents Borg and Velma felt it time for him to move out of the nest.

Borg and Velma are both long-time accountants on Spleendak and felt that Norm could make a good living as an accountant as well. After considering various different schooling options with Norm, they decided to go with TMGU, the Torgon Multi Galactic University on planet Torgon. TMGU is considered to have one of the best accounting programs in all of the 37 galaxies that form the UGPA (the United Galaxies of the Peaceful Alliance). As long as Norm agreed to attend the university as an accounting major, they said they would pay for his tuition in full, otherwise he’d be paying his own way, at the school and major of his choice. Somewhat reluctantly, Norm agreed he would give the accounting program at TMGU a try. The university does offer off-site learning options through the use of its VR classrooms, though Norm decided he would rather live on-site on Planet Torgon, and attend the majority of his classes at the university. After the many years of sitting around playing VR and AR video games in his Wog-Jop nursery, Norm was itching to get outside and experience more of the actual physical universe, in his new adult Wog-Jop form.

- Norm Smortly in his new adult Wog-Jop form


Chapter 4

Home Away From Home

- Hover Houses, seen scattered above the lush Torgonian landscape.

After venturing out from his childhood home on Spleendak, Norm arrived on Torgon and for close to a year now has been living with his host family, Mike and Bottie Thomas, and their pet, Jurassic Mark, who is a friendly, 35 year old, genetic-hybrid of a human and a t-rex. Norm first got in touch with his host family through the Inter-planetary Studies Program at TMGU, which is utilized by students who are coming from other planets and / or galaxies, to attend to their schooling on Torgon. Some come for only a semester, and other for the entirety of their studies, which in Norm’s case will be 3 years. Norm is currently beginning his second year of studies at the university.

At his new home, Norm has his own room and living area on a section of the upper level of the house, which usually remains undisturbed, with the exception of Jurassic Mark occasionally poking his head into his open window, to chat or just say hi. In the time that he’s been on Torgon Norm has enjoyed staying with Mike and Bottie as they have been very hospitable, always making sure that he is comfortable, though also being mindful to give him the necessary space to study and relax. Norm mostly interacts with Bottie and Mark, and sees less of Mike as he’s usually busy at his shop in downtown Tech-tropolis, where he repairs, modifies, and sells hovercrafts.

Norm’s host, Mike Thomas, was originally born on earth to Sam and Crystal Thomas in the year 2023. He moved from the Milky Way Galaxy to the Lantrusian Galaxy, eventually settling on planet Torgon in 2285. Torgon had already been colonized by humans for 50 years, prior to Mike moving there, hence he thought it would be a good place to relocate. On Earth, as well as on Torgon, the average human life span has gradually increased to currently being around 120 years, due primarily to gene modulation therapy wiping out various cancers and other diseases previously affecting humans. Even with this there are still some who want to extend their physical existence well beyond this, and Mike Thomas is one of those people. Mike is currently on his 3rd body suit, which is what has allowed him to live up to his current ripe old age of 281. He was outfitted for his first body suit at the age of 100, while he was still living on earth.

For those opting for a body suit, there is a wide range of possible suits one can choose from, with the essential transfer process remaining the same. Through an advanced extraction and preservation process, done nearly 100% through the use of AI, the human brain and central nervous system is carefully transferred and linked up to a new fully mapped electrical and nervous system, which is chosen in advance by the recipient. Body suits are not cheap and therefore Mike’s current version is not quite top of the line at the moment, as his hovercraft business has been struggling, though it still includes the standard voice box, a panoramic video feed, sound and scent receivers, VR / AR port, and haptic sensors. He also took the liberty to specially modify his with some of the hover-tech from his shop.

- Mike Thomas, hovering next to one of the hover craft models that he sells at his shop in downtown Tech-tropolis


In addition to body suits becoming more common place, it could be estimated that around 2/3 of all humans still in their original ‘by birth body’, in the current year of 2304, are using neural-tech, with the remaining human population preferring a more ‘unplugged’ lifestyle, and opting not to use it. For Mike, among the many benefits that neural-tech offers him, perhaps the most important is that it means having a better connection and interface with his wife. Mike’s wife, Bottie Thomas (AKA Geisha-Bot 2257-B) was created for him by the Geisha Bot Corp. in 2257. Mike and Bottie have therefore been happily together for 47 years now.

For Bottie’s base interface software, Mike chose the personality and mannerisms of a famous American actress of the 1950’s earth era, Audrey Hepburn. This was based on extensive film footage of her from around 1950 - 1970, which the Geisha Bot AI system then carefully interpreted and inputed into Bottie’s programming and interface. He also opted for the self-upgrading option, so that with continued experiences and input, Bottie gradually learns and adapts her programming, allowing her to evolve more skillfully with her continually changing environment. Usually these program adjustments are made in a way that is in support of both of their well-being, and to the continued harmony of their relationship, as this is a part of Bottie’s core programming. It’s not a perfect system, as sometimes what is registered internally by Bottie as being beneficial, doesn’t always turn out that way once it is acted out, and the same could be said about Mike’s own decision making sometimes, though such is life. Even with the occasional challenges, they continue to love one another and enjoy each other’s company, which is evidenced by their many years of being together.

Mike and Bottie’s home, is a Hover House located on the outskirts of Tech-tropolis. Hover Houses are sometimes seen scattered above some of the lush, nature filled areas of the Torgonian landscape. Out of reach from most forest predators, and also perfectly mobile, it is the optimal way to live for some Torgonian's seeking a bit more peace and seclusion. Bottie has a fondness for gardening, and therefore the center of their house contains a large, open garden area, roughly the size of a football field, though of a circular dimension. This central garden courtyard is open to the sunshine and fresh air, and is also an area where Jurassic Mark likes to hang out a good deal. This area is filled with a variety of native plants, herbs, fruit trees, and so on. The exterior ring of this garden, which is also along the interior ring of their house, is lined with vertical garden beds, that rise up to the full 60 ft height of the interior wall of their home. Bottie, like Mike, also has hover-tech capabilities, which allows her to hover up and down to the different garden sections that she may want to attend to. Bottie and Mike both do not eat plants or any organic materials for food, and therefore the majority of the fruits, veggies, and edible greens grown in the garden are given to neighbors, and friends, and also sold by Bottie twice a month at the local farmer’s market. Much of it is also left for Jurassic Mark, as he prefers to eat mainly vegetarian, and is allowed by Bottie and Mike to snack, and graze on specific garden beds. Bottie puts the stuff she doesn’t want him eating on the higher levels that he cannot reach quite as well. At his full reach Mark can get to about the 20 foot height level, so it is usually the levels beyond this where Bottie plants her more precious flowers, herbs, mushrooms, and so on, that she doesn’t want him getting in to.

Bottie and Mike are both considerably more intelligent than Mark, at least in regard to computational skills, processing power, storage capability, info. retrieval, and so on. Mark has the intelligence of about a 35 year old earth human, while Mike has 281 years of life experience behind him, as well as being linked up to neural-tech, and Bottie is an advanced AI Geisha Bot, with powerful comprehension and computer processing capabilities. Therefore Mike and Bottie’s relationship with Mark is perhaps in some ways somewhat comparable to a human and their pet golden retriever on earth. Occasionally Mark’s t-rex DNA kicks in which causes him to have a bit less self-control in the garden area, though overall, Mark is pretty well behaved, and very easy going. What Mark may be lacking in intelligence, he makes up for with a big heart.

During the day, Bottie keeps Mark company when she is outside working in the garden area, though at other times he finds different ways to entertain himself, like playing with butterflies and insects, talking with Norm when he’s around, or perhaps just watching the clouds go by and taking an afternoon nap in the garden. Most every day when Mike is off working in his downtown shop, Bottie and Mark like to go out for a long walk. Mark is very friendly and happily approaches just about anyone he encounters, always hoping to make a new friend. He is also a big hit with the neighborhood kids, and when at the local park with Bottie, he lets the kids climb up on his back and then slide down his long tail, as if he were a giant jungle gym. By the time they return from their walk in the early evening, Mike has usually returned from his days work at the hovercraft shop. Sometimes he does lose track of time though, especially when he gets lost tinkering around with his different hovercrafts, making various tweaks, upgrades, and adjustments. Sometimes it’s not until Bottie calls him on his neural-tech receiver that he realizes how late it is, and then he promptly heads back home.

- Bottie and Jurassic Mark going for a walk.


Bottie and Mike are both powered through removable and chargeable energy cells that are kept in Ipsillium charging chambers in their home. When they see that their battery is low they then switch it out for a fully charged one. Battery life generally lasts somewhere around 2 - 3 months, though is also of course largely dependent on the level of energy expenditure and activity of each individual. In addition to using this energy cell, Mike must also regularly take specific stem cell supplements for his brain that also include essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for maintaining the continued health and proper function of his organic brain, as it links up with the current neural-tech and body suit that he is using.

- Ipsillium Energy Cell Charging Chamber

At night before Bottie and Mike enter their sleep cycle, they usually turn off all of their external sensor feeds, and then plug in to fully enter into and explore the vast VR domain. This usually lasts for about 2 - 4 hours, and then they shut down for the night. Norm already knows a good deal about the VR realms from his Wog-Jop worm days, and therefore these days much prefers being outside, breathing in the fresh air, and taking in the sights, sounds, and textures of the beautiful Torgonian landscape. Norm not being charged on batteries and energy cells himself, still needs to eat solid foods, and therefore when at home often eats his meals out in the courtyard with Mark. Sometimes Norm also likes to go out to eat at Girty’s Grill, which is a popular restaurant just down the road from the house. Tonight happened to be one such occasion for Norm...

To satiate his 4 growling stomachs, Norm proceeded to walk down the road to Girty’s Grill. Upon arrival he ordered a roasted peeper snap sandwich, a garden salad with roasted jub jub berries, a plate of skarlarpian snails, and a large container of Nebula Bonnet juice. Nebula Bonnets are a species of large, flowering plants on Torgon, whose flowers secrete a sweet and slightly sedating nectar, highly valued by many of Torgon’s inhabitants as a both relaxation tonic and sleep aid.

After finishing his meal at Girty’s Grill, Norm decided to make a stop at his friend Chris’ house to say hi. Norm initially met Chris at TMGU, where he is currently going to school as a Robotics major. Chris is a LUV bot, manufactured by a specific faction of the Shuk-balas who reside on planet Zeflon-4, which is about 70 thousand light years from Torgon, and also found in the Lantrusian Galaxy. Chris has a pleasant demeanor, and is about 5 feet tall, 3 feet wide, with a smooth and rounded exterior, and hover-tech capabilities. Norm enjoys Chris’ company as he’s very calm and easy going, which makes Norm naturally feel at ease whenever they’re together.

Upon arrival to Chris' house, Norm rang the doorbell and Chris came to greet him at the door. He welcomed Norm into his home and once inside Norm saw that Chris had some company over. In the living room he saw 2 massive muffin beings sitting and watching tv on the AR hologram system. Norm thought to himself these must be some of the massive MetaMuffins that people on Torgon have been talking about recently. One of the muffins was extremely fit, with bulging muscles, slick chocolate frosting hair, and a diamond shaped MM symbol on its chest. The other muffin was sporting face tattoos, and seemed to have a perma-glow, with semi-transparent skin that revealed the muffins skeletal structure from within. The big muscular one was laughing heartily at the show they were watching, while the X-rayMuffin was reclined, smoking a fat joint, and with a big grin on it’s face.

After Norm sat down, Chris shared that he made the connection with the 2 MetaMuffins through a common Shuk-bala friend named Ted, which is short for Tedzaggonon-durfjek. A couple days prior, Ted invited Chris to come hang out at the Sky Portal Lounge with him and some friends, which is where he met the 2 massive muffins. The big muscular muffin going by Muffin Jack and the X-ray one going by Ganja Gary, or just Gary for short. Chris shared that while at the Sky Portal Lounge he learned from Ted, and the 2 muffins that there are 2,222 MetaMuffins in total currently in the process of scoping out planet Torgon, though also sharing that this is not the first planet that the MetaMuffins have scouted.

Intrigued and wanting to learn more about the Shuk-balas, MetaMuffins, and the Sky Portal Lounge, Norm took a fat toke from a joint rolled up for him by Gary, and then continued his conversation with Chris and the 2 massive muffins.


Chapter 5

Mingling Muffins

While hanging out in Chris’ living room, Norm continued his chat about the Shuk-balas, MetaMuffins, and the Sky Portal Lounge, with Chris, Gary, and Muffin Jack. As the conversation deepened the muffins continued to share that their makers, the Shuk-balas, are the most heavily populated and established on 2 different planets, Zeflon-4 and Mezrok-5. They can also be found in some smaller settlements on a handful of other planets, mostly within the Lantrusian Galaxy. The Shuk-balas have been gradually scoping out different planets both within their galaxy, and within other neighboring dimensions. Sky Portal Lounge is the central hub of the portal, precisely positioned as the central axis point between 8 separate planets and astronomical locations, with some being in the Lantrusian Galaxy, and some being in neighboring dimensions. With their portal-tech the Shuk-balas are able to astronomically pinpoint where in the great expanse of the universe they would need to in a sense ‘park’ their lounge. The Sky Portal Lounge is a place where extraterrestrial beings, bots, humanoids, and creatures of all varieties who have access, can come to hang out, perhaps have a few tokes of some galactic ganja, and maybe meet some new friends as well.

As is standard, for the geometric and energetic stability of a sky portal to be maintained, they are constructed with a central operating hub, connecting to 8 separate portals, each acting as an access point to a different planet and astronomical location. These 8 portals form the shape of a 3 dimensional star with 8 points. Each point of the star is a portal point and precipice which when opened pierces through the fabric of space and time leading into a different location and/or dimension in the universe. These 8 portal positions must be determined in advance and cannot be changed after the parking of the portal hub, to protect its geometric and energetic integrity. This is due to the massive gravitational power needed for each portal to be functional and accessible, which is distributed equally to each of the 8 portal points to enable the proper bending and folding of the fabric of space and time. Sky portals usually operate as both a lounge for beings visiting from connected portal positions, and as a transportation terminal for those traveling between portals.

- Ted, one of the Shuk-balas, hanging out in the Sky Portal Lounge.

The previous portal that the MetaMuffins and Shuk-balas frequented the most, prior to Torgon, opens up in the sky above a planet named Candytopia, which is found in a neighboring dimension. The scoping out of Candytopia was the initial reason the Shuk-balas had created the MetaMuffins. They felt that muffin beings would be able to better assimilate with the inhabitants and natives of Candytopia, and making them as massive as they are would increase their chances of survival. This was therefore the first scouting mission of the MetaMuffins. On Candytopia their mission was to make contact, assess the situation, the inhabitants, the social structure, the planetary resources, and so on. Unfortunately though, there were issues with the mission from the start.

- The Colorful Landscape of Candytopia.

Upon arrival the MetaMuffins quickly discovered that there were no Jolly Ranchers on Candytopia, as the majority of the population had severe mutations and were going insane, though centuries of candy in-breading. The in-breeding eventually led to the growth of a disease called Canditis Sugarcoatia, which is a severe sugar imbalance leading to a variety of severe health issues, including having random Mounds and candy protrusions on ones body, Butterfinger syndrome, and not to mention insanity.

- Some of the insane Candytopians, affected by the Canditis Sugarcoatia disease.

The MetaMuffins also later learned that some areas of Candytopia are especially bad, such as the Gum Drop Ghetto, where the Jawbreaker Gang and Sour Patch Kids reside and often Pop Rocks at each other, as well as at anyone else trying to pass through their turf. Some MetaMuffins made the mistake of passing through these rougher areas and therefore by the end of the Candytopia mission, 778 MetaMuffins were taken out in total. 2,222 of the initial 3,000 survived, and some of the survivors can now be seen with battle marks, and/or face tattoos to honor lost comrades, or to flex how many adversaries were taken out by them during the mission.

- Some of the insane and aggressive inhabitants within the Gum Drop Ghetto.

Ultimately, the initial Candytopia mission objective was to perhaps gain some new friends and allies, to gain knowledge of a new civilization and its ways, and also to give assistance and aid where it was needed on the planet. After scouting there for several months and having hundreds of MetaMuffins taken out by the natives, as well as no dialogue or debate seen to be possible, as most of the population was insane and/or hostile, the Shuk-balas and MetaMuffins decided to abandon the Candytopia mission. After regrouping and reassessing, they then moved on to their next portal mission, which is their current mission on planet Torgon.


Chapter 6

A World of SuperFrens

Since the MetaMuffins arrival on Torgon, they have begun integrating themselves into the Torgonian culture in a variety of ways. The scouting mission to Planet Torgon, Portal 2 of the Sky Portal Lounge, happened likely for a couple reasons. For one, the Shuk-balas, who are the makers of the MetaMuffins, may have some interest in the large concentration of the energy mineral Torganite Ipsillium on the Torgon, which is utilized to power the majority of the cities on the planet. The other main reason being for MetaMuffin recreational activities and training. For the most part, the muffins on Torgon have been resting up and recovering since the return from their difficult mission to Candytopia, at Portal 1. Some muffins have taken up gardening, some playing pick up basketball games, some riding giant Hyperion Horses native to Torgon, and some simply kicking back, having a toke of some galactic ganja, and taking in the lush and beautiful Torgonian landscape. Other muffins, like some of the SuperMuffins for instance, have been working out, pumping iron, and training in a variety of martial arts to more fully prep themselves for their entry into Portal 3, the SuperFrens World.

In regard to the muffin scouting mission at the SuperFrens World, several months have now passed on Torgon, and with rest time, planning, and preparation complete, the time for entry into the SuperFrens World has arrived. What we know so far, is that the main mission objective at Portal 3 is to recruit some new muffin mob squad members… though not just ANY new squad members!… The Shuk-balas specifically chose the SuperFrens World as their destination, for in their known database of life bearing planets, the planet is known to possess some of the most powerful beings in the Lantrusian Galaxy. With many beings in the populace having their own unique super powers and abilities, visiting the SuperFrens World can be quite an extraordinary, and sometimes even daunting experience. The MetaMuffins however were born for this, and therefore were quite ready for the adventure!…

- Portal 3 of the Sky Portal Lounge

When the Portal 3 mission launch day finally arrived, a buzz of excitement and anticipation filled the air throughout the massive Sky Portal Lounge complex. At the Portal 3 Mission Command Center the scent of galactic ganja and freshly baked muffins permeated the air, as top Shuk-bala strategists and technicians, coordinated the mission with the muffin squadron. Various Shuk-bala personnel helped the SuperMuffins, and other muffin scouts, gear up for their daring interstellar mission. Clad in sleek helmets, adorned with advanced communication systems, and enhanced vision modules, these massive muffins represented some of the elite vanguard of the Muffin Mob. The SuperMuffins in particular radiated an aura of confidence, ready to face the unknown challenges that may lay ahead, as they prepared to venture into the legendary SuperFrens World. Other muffins, like the GraniteMuffins, stood sturdy with a natural resilience and strength that could more likely withstand the cosmic turbulence, as well as any unseen challenges that may lay before them.

When all was set, the Shuk-balas activated the Portal 3 gravitational propulsion system. The rhythmic hum of the portal's gravitational energy generators pulsed, as the muffin squadron stood with a collective resolve, before the launch chamber. The sign in front of them, above the entrance to the chamber in neon lights read… 'Destination: SuperFrens World'. This was a place of legends, where extraordinary beings awaited, each possessing unique powers and strengths that could collectively elevate the Muffin Mob to new untold heights, and potentially help to resolve some unfinished business on Candytopia. When everything was a go, in unison, the diverse team of MetaMuffin scouts including RamboMuffins, LuchaLibreMuffins, and X-rayMuffins, with the SuperMuffins front and center, stepped into the Portal 3 launch chamber. Just a moment later, with a powerful whoosh, they vanished into the swirling vortex, leaving behind them a cloud of ganja smoke and some muffin dust, swirling in the air.

Deep within the cosmic expanse, the elite fleet of massive muffins floated gracefully, their helmets gleaming with the reflection of distant stars. These intergalactic muffins now found themselves on a daring mission, navigating the intricate web of wormholes, until they reached the fabled SuperFrens World. As the muffin scouts approached the portal's shimmering threshold, the air crackled with an otherworldly energy, as they then plunged themselves fearlessly into the unknown. Emerging on the other side, the MetaMuffins found themselves in the midst of a colorful neon lit city, that felt both familiar and at the same time otherworldly and bizarre. Some of the SuperFrens had been notified in advance of the MetaMuffin squadron arrival, and therefore were there awaiting them, on the SuperFrens side of Portal 3.

- The SuperFrens World side of Portal 3

Each of the SuperFrens that the MetaMuffins encountered possessed their own unique powers and abilities. Some with telekinesis, some with super speed, some with invisibility, some with super strength, and the list goes on. In a place such as this, it was helpful that the MetaMuffins naturally commanded a certain level of respect, due to their massive muffin frames alone. With determination in their eyes, the Muffin Mob emissaries sought to convince these powerful beings to unite in a common cause – to join the Muffin Mob, and aid them in their next scouting mission. In exchange, the SuperFrens would have an ally in the MetaMuffins, as well as perhaps some misc. high tech gadgetry and supplies, manufactured and provided by the Shuk-balas.

The negotiations unfolded for several hours amidst breathtaking scenery, where massive otherworldly architecture and a tapestry of neon lights and signs, served as the backdrop for the cosmic alliance in the making. Some of the SuperFrens, initially wary, were eventually swayed by the muffin scouts' sincerity and the promise of a shared adventure. And with a sense for adventure being naturally inherent within the SuperFrens DNA, it ultimately didn’t take too much convincing. With the Portal 3 entrance humming behind them, they sealed their alliance, and the muffin mob emissaries officially welcomed a select 200 SuperFrens into their ranks, now ready to embark on their shared adventure together!

- A fierce punk SuperFren w/ super strength


Stay tuned for more, as the story unfolds!...



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